Hence, it is important that one is able to balance between work and personal life in order to be productive, healthy and happy in the workplace. In today’s world, one has to be wise and draw a line and take care of oneself as a professional. First of all, make sure to draw a clear line between the working hours and free time, do not read emails or answer phone calls after work.
Plan your work and manage your time effectively so that you do not take up a lot of work that will stress you. It is equally important to take a break from work in between to relax or even take some lunch break, walk around or even take some time to meditate.
Spend time on activities that are fun and that you enjoy doing, including friends, family, and other people. Exercise can help in the prevention of stress and other health related issues. Lastly, ensure that you discuss your requirements with your employer and ensure that you negotiate for ways through which you can balance your professional and family responsibilities.
Thus, applying these strategies, you can achieve a good work-life fit and, therefore, increase the overall level of happiness and success.